- Researching faucets and fixtures
- Seeking out prefab granite sources and matching color patterns
- Completing the kitchen and bathroom cabinet choices with our Home Depot designer
- Completing our solar rebate forms with the state of CA (our panels and casings should arrive by end of July)- Finding a front door (uugh! too many choices out there)
- Gearing up to look at tile (even bigger uugh! way too many choices)
- Seeking out a designer to help us tie various elements together like tile, granite, cabinet colors and paint (expensive but probably well worth it for a few hours)- Keeping our eyes open for examples of exterior house colors we like
- Rounding up the last of the appliances: rangetop, ventilation, microwave, custom trim kit for microwave to fit in Home Depot cabinets (nice resource: www.microtrim.com, good and cheap!)
- Seeking out a landscape architect who can do a master plan at reasonable cost so we can figure out where to place dirt that's piling up. Listing what's important to us for the yard that we want to incorporate.
- Tracking expenditures on the project and dealing with the increasing accounting issues