Monday, July 19, 2010

Upholstering and Slipcovering - Are Two Better Than One?


Designer Samantha Pynn Photo Virginia Macdonald

Whether you're purchasing new or reupholstering/slipcovering existing furniture, have you ever considered using two (or more) fabrics rather than one for a more unique look?

Just mixing two plain fabrics can add a little something extra to a piece...

CR Laine

but you can also mix a plain with a pattern...

Traditional Home

Designers Guild

or plain with pattern and contrast piping to tie it together...

Country Living

or mix more than one pattern.

Sarah Richardson Design

If you're worried about things getting too "busy" with more than one pattern, keep them in the same colorway.

Sarah Richardson Design

So what do you think? Are you open to mixing fabrics on a piece or is one fabric enough for you?

Just for fun... If you like things a little on the busier side with a big dose of whimsy, how about one of the fun furniture options available at Squint Limited?...